Friday, January 17, 2014

Your Mental 'Safe Deposit Box'

The world has an old saying which may well fit into our Christian lives at times: insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

There are times when God changes our circumstances and there are times when God moves us to change our circumstances. We always want to take action in His perfect timing, but sometimes we either miss the opportunity or purposely don't grab hold of it. Either way, He's always ready give us another chance!

What dreams do you have, or changes you need to make, that are sitting in the same mental safe deposit box as they were last year at this time, and 2 years ago and 5 years ago? What have you done, including prayer and preparation of your heart and soul, to participate in God's plan of action? For some of us that plan may include a desire to teach Sunday school, or a live a more financially responsible life....whatever the case, God is ready, willing and able to help us, and to help us help ourselves, through His Spirit and plan.

We each have a responsibility in the Lord to live life to the fullest for His glory. We will be held accountable for how we use the gifts and talents He's given us - don't waste this provision (Matt.25:14). Life is not a matter of using our God given talents to advance ourselves and then thank God: it's to advance His kingdom by fulfilling the purpose He's given us.

Don't accept excuses: from the enemy, from your friends or from yourself. God has put His fire inside of us - does He also have to light one under us? Encourage and build yourself up in the Holy Spirit, then take action!

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