Monday, January 20, 2014

Secret Keys

If you want to accomplish God's will you may have to take a risk...and risks take you into the unknown...but that's where the secret things lie that you need to open up. These are not secret things kept from you, but kept for you! There are things ordained for your life and wisdom ready for you to grasp which are hidden in God only....and He will reveal these only as you pursue Him.

Isaiah was taken into the temple in a vision and God revealed His plan, empowered Isaiah, and cleansed his sins so He could speak for God (Is. 6). The story of Isaiah's life is one of taking risks, suffering for the Lord and bringing great glory to His name. These things are written down as examples for us of how to live for God and fulfill His purposes (Heb. 11). You may or may not experience what Isaiah did, but God will reveal to you what you need to know if you get yourself in a place where you can receive His wisdom.

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law (Deut 29:29)." These secret things are keys to life in Him, but you will only know them as you continue to passionately pursue Him and take the place in life that He's ordained, one step at a time and one risk at a time.

Put away fear by allowing God to envelop you with His love. Build your faith and trust in God by reading His word and hearing testimonies. Keep your eye single on Him that your attention would not be divided - let no one or no thing distract you from Him and His purposes. Jesus declared that he did and said only what He saw and heard from the Father: this is our example (Jn 5,8,14).

How passionate will you be in your pursuit of Him? Are you willing to embrace Him as your first love, hear the secret things He has for you and take risks as He directs?

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