Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Death of Faith (8/27/13)

The death of faith!

There's something I've noticed over the years-stretching the Truth of the Bible kills faith.

God's word never returns to Him without accomplishing the thing for which He sent it (Is 55:11), but that which is NOT his word will not return His promise! The effect of wrong doctrine is that we don't see His word come to pass-we see nothing! This sometimes prompts people to dangerous territory: trying to make the wrong doctrine "work" by pushing it along in the flesh!

The long term effect of operating in wrong doctrine can be the death of faith-losing confidence and trust that God is what He says He is and does what He says He does. This in turn leads to nominal Christianity or simply returning to the way of the world.

One remedy for this problem is to be as the noble Bereans: search the Word for Truth (Acts 17:11). Let the Word reveal the Word before allowing outside influences to reveal it for you. Books, blogs, etc., are great for extra learning and encouragement-but you are responsible for discerning the Truth of the Word and the Holy Spirit is God's means of doing so. Let the water of the Word wash you and bring revelation-spend time with the Living Word-Jesus Christ!

2Ti 3:15 "...And how from your childhood you have had a knowledge of and been acquainted with the sacred Writings, which are able to instruct you and give you the understanding for salvation which comes through faith in Christ Jesus..."

All for His glory!

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