Monday, August 26, 2013

Prayers that avail beyond 'much' (8/26/13)

Inside of the prayers you pray for your nation and your state and your community are prayers for your children and yourself!

I like to call these 'compound prayers', kind of like compound interest.... it's GOD'S MATH. The investment you make has a greater affect on more than what you are praying for!

With compound prayers, you pray for your nation and community - your family/friends live in that community. You are seeking God's will and God's way for that community. In turn, your children and friends and family members living in that community are affected by your prayers, moving them into the their part in God's work in that community. In essence, you are also praying for your grandchildren and future family members!

Abraham is a perfect example of this. Not only did Abraham seek and do God's will, but doing so brought a blessing on his descendants. Heb 7:9-10 "Even Levi, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, so to speak, for he was still in the loins of his [fore]father [Abraham] when Melchizedek met him."
WOW-what does that mean? The meaning in part is that your children and grandchildren are reaping the benefit of your Godliness....this example is through Abraham's tithe, but the spiritual principal applies to spiritual actions! Prayers, giving, forgiving....the list goes on....the benefits of these things to the next generation are immeasurable!

As you pray, as you give, as you live the life of Christ, you become the seed for the next generation. What will you plant today-and expect to see the results tomorrow?

All for the glory of God!

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