Friday, August 23, 2013

No Enemies in the Body (8/23/13)

How do you view the church down the street?  Or the one who's leaders made a big mistake and they're striving to get back on track?  How do you view the church who views yours with enmity?  What about the one who's members believe in speaking in tongues and you don't?  Does one church have the perfect doctrine?  What about the one you left a few years ago-surely God must be done with them?
Today I'm thinking about the Body of Christ. It's not just a group of people that meet together each week, that's a subset of's much bigger than that. It's a worldwide Body. The Body you belong to is in New York and Singapore and Zimbabwe and wherever 2 or more are gathered. Don't lose touch with His universal work!  
The Body of Christ, in different locations, are not enemies-but members of one another-we are not severed from one another. Rejoice in what God is doing through one another-recognize God's work-affirm the good!
Love the family, be the Body, reach out, stay connected,focus on Him!


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