Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Wait" is a naughty word! (8/29/13)

It must have taken between 2 and 4 hours for Abraham's servant to kill and roast the calf as the meal for his heavenly visitors-all the while they sat and waited, rested and visited (Gen. 18). Today, if McDonald's, Hardees or Taco Bell aren't speedy enough we get frustrated. Waiting seems to eat at our society, it's a naughty word!

What eats the time God's given you? As I look back I can see where I didn't take time to wait on the Lord, and I paid the consequences of doing things in my own time. Just as reading something too quickly can bring errors in understanding so can trying to get a quick fix of God. Anytime you take short cuts in relationships the relationship suffers; ask your kids!

Isa 40:31 But those who wait (bind to, tarry, look patiently) on the LORD shall renew their strength (vigor, capacity to produce); they shall mount up with wings like eagles (rising above, enabled to see from the heavenly perspective), they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Part of following God is waiting.....when we shorten the time of waiting we move over into trying to lead Him.

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