Friday, December 4, 2015

Persecute Your Distractions!

In his former life, Paul persecuted Christians. As the person Saul, he sought out, tormented, imprisoned and even killed the people of God. So intense and determined was Saul that if he were alive today we might question his links to terrorists and anti-Christian groups (Acts 9). 

But when Saul received Christ, he began to persecute all things that came between him and the knowledge of his Savior! He took that same fervor, sanctified it, and used it to pursue God and His purposes!

In Philippians 3 Paul says “I forget what is behind! I stretch myself toward the things of God, and I strain forward to what lies ahead! I pursue and press on toward the goal of knowing Christ and accomplishing God’s will” (paraphrased Php. 3:13-14).

Once saved, Paul shifted his zeal onto seeking God: everything in his life pushed toward knowing God and serving Him. Paul’s eyes became single on Christ – He was Paul’s world! 

In Philippians 3:14, when Paul says “I pursue my goal…” he is actually saying “I persecute all things that come between myself and knowing God.” The word ‘pursue’ in this passage (some translations say ‘press on’) is the same word which is translated ‘persecute’ throughout the entire New Testament (Thayer's; KJ Concord.). To persecute is to pursue forcefully or zealously, to put to flight, to exterminate or to shut down. 

This is what Paul intentionally did to the things which got in the way of knowing God: he persecuted them. He wouldn’t let them exist and be a distraction for him. There were no excuses: they must resolutely be disposed of if they came between himself and serving God!

This is the kind of intentional fervor which we must have. We must persecute the things that come between us and the knowledge of our Savior. We must rid our lives of the things that keep us from intimately knowing and zealously serving God! 

Ask yourself, what is it that takes my affections and energy off of seeking and serving God? Then either remove it or restrain its influence in your life. 

Be as Paul, persecute the unnecessary and distracting things in life which step between you and God! Make a holy resolve: allow nothing to interfere with your pursuit of God!

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