Thursday, April 2, 2015

How Noble Is Your Character?

The word "nobility" might take your mind to images of Kings and Queens in royal dress, however, the Apostle Paul defines nobility from a heavenly perspective.

Paul called the Bereans 'noble' because they daily read their Bibles to prove or disprove the words he'd spoken to them. A person with noble character uses diligence and honesty in searching the Scriptures, never taking someone else's words as Gospel. A noble person doesn't look for bits of scripture to prove his doctrine, but opens his heart and allows God to purify him and implant Truth. The noble person sees that it's God's Word that brings about His promises, not man's interpretation of God's Word.

The Bereans are an excellent example of this, showing that we are to love the brethren and respect their gifts, but delve into the Word for ourselves to either confirm or deny what we've heard. This will keep us from being pulled into false doctrine and feel-good ideas.

This is not a criticism of anyone's preaching or writing; inspiration from others is a wonderful blessing but we must never take it at face value. The Bereans searched Scriptures to see if the Apostle Paul's teachings were accurate, and Paul commended them for it. They were hungry for Truth, not something to tickle their ears and never something that just made them feel good or confirmed religious traditions. They wouldn't allow themselves to receive just any words as Gospel, but they guarded their hearts by staying in the Scriptures. Paul considered this to be a very good and noble practice - regardless if they were evaluating his words or those of someone else.

These are the noble sons and daughters of the King; those who seek His Truth for themselves. They cannot be deceived into following another because they have spent time getting to know the King, the Living Word, and He is imprinted on their hearts.

"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true" (Acts 17:11).

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