Thursday, January 29, 2015

Whoredom in the House

The ‘whoredoms’ of ancient Israel are recorded in the book of Hosea, but they are spoken of in many other Old Testament books as well. In brief, their whoredoms consisted of entertaining themselves with things that were contrary to the heart of God and enmeshing themselves in activities that were corrupting and defiling to their minds. These activities took their attention and affections off of God and violated their covenant with Him as their husband, provider and protector. The word ‘whoredom’ is at times interchanged with the word ‘idolatry’ in the Old Testament, giving us an idea that something in the physical realm took the place of God in their hearts and minds.

Today we might think spiritual whoredom is done away with, after all, we serve God through His Spirit and we don’t have to follow a set of rules to stay in His good graces: we have been freed from religion. But in Old Testament times, God was looking for hearts that wanted Him above anything or anyone else, and being the same God today, He is looking for the same kind of heart in our times.

So are we as far removed from whoredom as we might think? Or are we entertained and have our affections drawn away from God by the world and its dainties? Is “The Bachelorette” the top most thing on my mind one day of the week, or do I think nothing of opening my mind and heart to an ungodly alliance by the company I keep?

While this is not about a checklist of ‘do’s and dont's' or 'good and bad activities,’ it may be a time to ask ourselves a question and answer it honestly: what do I allow in my life that takes my affection off of God? Am I a modern day spiritual whore who’s sitting in the pew every Sunday morning? How much do I want God above my culture when my culture clashes with the ideals of the Word? Am I willing to separate myself to God if it means I have to separate myself from fleshly enjoyments and long time alliances?

I have some whoredom in me – it’s a conclusion I have had to come to. This conclusion is based on knowing that some segments of my heart are not 100% focused on God – they are easily drawn away by some specific things of the world and desires of my flesh. The thought of choosing anything or anyone over God is nauseating to me, but I participate in these things without realizing that I’m doing so. I now understand why Paul said “the things I want to do I do not do, but the things I do not want to do, I do” (Rom 7:19). God knows I need His help to be freed from the whoredoms that keep me from Him, and this is why Paul completed his thoughts in Romans 7 with “thank God for Jesus Christ – His forgiveness and grace!”

We are at the point where we cannot settle for an ordinary type of relationship with God – we cannot look at what everyone else is doing and follow suit. We are designed to become one with Him, not 75% with Him and 25% with whatever our affections are drawn away to. If we want His affections on our lives, we must give the same in return. If we truly believe that we live and move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28), then we will give Him 100% and live life at 100%!

Only you and God can call out the whoredoms in your life, rid yourself of them, and reassign your affections to Him. Only the two of you truly know where your heart is divided and what needs to ‘go’ in your life. The truth is, there is no condemnation in getting a revelation of those whoredoms, but it’s a starting point to a closer walk with the Lover of Your Soul!

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