Friday, January 23, 2015

Esther's Dilemma Is Your Dilemma!

Esther's purpose was set in place and established by God long before Queen Vashti was deposed from her royal position. When a Hebrew peasant girl becomes the Queen of an empire, you know God’s hand is in it – there was nothing she could have done to arrange her situation!

However, life surely wasn’t a joy ride for Esther at all times: she lived among the other women of the harem for an entire year while she waited for her 'turn' with the King. But a higher purpose brings an empowerment to accomplish that purpose - and Esther walked through her purpose nobly even though she was under pressure, out of her element and perhaps feeling alone much of the time.

But as it turns out, Esther was pleasing to the King - more so than any of the multitudes of women who were brought to him. And it ‘just so happened’ that the King made Esther his Queen at the same time the Israelites were being persecuted and in danger of being exterminated. This is evidence that Esther's physical make-up, her nationality and her personality were all instruments in the hands of God, used to fulfill His purpose in His time. What was orchestrated by God before this event took place (Esther's entire life) is just as miraculous as the event itself!

However, being a bit removed from the horrors that plagued her people, Esther was hesitant to risk her life (and use her divine influence) by pleading for them before the King. But the fact was, they were in danger of being annihilated! So Esther's uncle, Mordecai, reminded her that she was in the position of Queen by divine providence, and life wasn't about what she wanted or didn't want or even how she felt about going before the King: she'd been given that position by God and she was an instrument in His hands. Her purpose went far beyond using her position to add benefits to herself so she could enjoy the 'good life' at the expense of the subjects of the kingdom. True fullness of life comes in fulfilling God's purpose, and eternal benefits far outweigh temporary, earthly indulgences.

Moses was in a similar predicament, where he could have chosen the life of self indulgence and left God’s plan behind, but the Bible says “he chose to suffer with the people of God rather than to enjoy the short-lived pleasure of sin. For he considered the reproach because of the Messiah to be greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, since his attention was on the reward” (Heb 11:26 HCSB).

Maybe you’re in a position similar to Esther’s, where God has placed you there for ‘such a time as this.’ It’s a divine appointment and you have to make the decision to wholeheartedly submit to God regardless of the cost. As Mordecai said to Esther, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion?” (Est 4:14). Esther’s immediate reply was one of full submission to God: “if I perish, I perish!” (Est 4:16,HCSB). Or perhaps you are like Moses, and the world of delicacies is trying to draw you from God’s assignment: but you must know that you wouldn’t be in the position of making that choice if it weren’t for the hand of God in your life!

Isn’t it time to wholeheartedly and unequivocally set aside earthly passions and purposes and fully submit our entire persons, earthly positions and material belongings to God? If we want to see the fullness of God and live in His power, we cannot have one foot in the Kingdom of God and one foot in a comfortable, earthly kingdom.

As Esther and Moses each made the decision that it was ‘all or nothing,’ God supplied for their needs and embraced them with His protection and love. He is the same God today as He was then, and He will orchestrate our lives and fulfill His purposes through us as we fully submit and focus on Him. But should we choose to be half-hearted towards God, He will bring about his purposes through someone else: as Mordecai said “deliverance will arise..from elsewhere” (Est. 4:16 HCSB)

Decide today whom you will wholeheartedly serve. Put your attention on His reward, and allow NOTHING to keep you from completely submitting to Him. It’s time!

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