In the words of Shakespeare, "parting is such
sweet sorrow." Unfortunately, it's not often sweet, just sorrowful, and
it can drag on and on, as though that parting is happening every day as we rehearse it in our minds.
This is why we have to make a determined effort, a choice, to remember
people fondly. That's not always easy - and it may be a process - but
it's necessary if we want to move forward!
At some point in our
former relationship we enjoyed the other person's company and now we
must realize that we also gained from that in many ways: we learned and
grew, we gave and were given to, we laughed and we cried together. And
since there came a time for us to part, there has to come a time when we
remember the good things from that relationship and let ourselves be
thankful for them.
There might be a period of working through
that difficult parting, but if that remains our focus we will be
experiencing that parting every time we think of that person, and that's
called bitterness.
That doesn't mean we're to be unwise and
throw out the 'education' we received from the experience; it means
we're to forgive, move forward, enjoy life without a black cloud of
bitterness, and have a willingness to (wisely and lovingly) accept new
people into our lives and form new relationships.
At the very
least, we have probably gained discernment through our experience. And
chances are, the other person has gone through the same inner pains,
growth and final conclusion to 'let it go'...and perhaps there will be a
day when we meet up again as people with a fresh look at our old
In the end, it's up to us to make the decision to
live forward - not looking at the stagnant past constantly. Remember
the words of the Apostle Paul: "I don't look back, I press forward
because that's where my reward and final prize awaits me" (Php 3:13
"As much as it depends on you, let all
bitterness, indignation, wrath, resentment, animosity, quarreling, and
slander be banished from you, as well as spite and ill will of any kind.
Become useful,helpful and kind to one another, being tenderhearted,
compassionate and understanding, forgiving one another [readily and
freely], as God in Christ forgave you" (Eph 4:31-32 AMP, adapted).
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