Thursday, October 23, 2014

NEWS: Waiters Serve Up Miracles!

When the Apostles found it difficult to both distribute food to the church’s widows and preach the Gospel, they asked the congregation in Jerusalem to pick 7 members who could take over ‘waiting tables’ for them. According to the apostles, the characteristics for a food distributor included being filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and having a good reputation among the saints (Acts 6).

Stephen was unheard of before he was voted into this task, but that didn’t stop God from using him as a conduit for the miraculous. God saw the distribution of food to widows as important enough to appoint those who were imbued with His Spirit to do the job, and he particularly gave Stephen the gift of miracles as an anointing for waiting tables in the food pantry.

Stephen wasn’t an apostle, he wasn’t a preacher, and he wasn’t a pastor! He was a church member who immersed himself in the Word, loved the brethren and lived to honor God. So when the job of waiting tables was offered, he gladly stepped in to fill the void by putting on an apron and distributing miracles!

If you say “I am willing, send me,” you may wind up working in the food pantry or waiting tables as God’s means of getting a miracle or a word of wisdom to someone in need.

Are you willing to take the smallest task and use it for God’s glory?

“However, we possess this precious treasure in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves” (2 Cor.4:7 AMP adapted).

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