Saturday, June 28, 2014

Waiting to Forgive - Until Your Last Breath

As a hospice chaplain I regularly meet with people who's prognosis is death - within the next 6-8 months. Many of these are elderly people, but some are young.

People who are dieing have a different perspective on life than those who are actively living: they are often better able to examine themselves more truthfully because they have nothing to protect and nothing to hide. They are in life's most vulnerable position.

As a result, many of these people are willing to forgive long time grudges and be released to heaven with a clean heart. They see the Truth of God's love more clearly than many of us that are seeking and serving God and have many years left to do so.

Many of them also express deep, deep sorrow and gut wrenching heartache over having carried unforgiveness for so long. They seem to be able to see through the eyes of God into how things could have been if they'd forgiven sooner. How tragic it is to witness this and grieve with these people in their darkest moments, when they see that they have been bound by the chains of unforgiveness and it has poisoned themselves and the people around them.

But once they release forgiveness they are soon released into the arms of the Father - He keeps them breathing long enough to help them repent of all the darkness in their hearts then they enter into the gates of heaven with a 'hallelujah, I'm forgiven' on their lips!

Don't wait until your last breath. Don't live in darkness and withhold the love of God from your domain. Use every living breath wisely, and when you are old and ready to pass, leap into heaven with joy at having lived a life of love and forgiveness through the Spirit of God.

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