Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thou Shalt Not Be Exclusive!

The Body of Christ is composed not only of our fellowship group or even our group and the neighboring group with whom we 'click.' The Body is universal – we are one huge group of believers across the world.

But what I’ve seen in the past few years is a great ‘move’ of exclusiveness within individual bodies of believers. Each one claiming God is working in them far above and beyond what He is doing in other groups – and if others would come to us, they could experience God because we have the ‘market’ on His ‘move.’

This is a subtle ploy of the enemy to exalt ourselves in pride and prejudice! It’s a worldly attitude that looks and longs for renown – to draw others under our own authority with God’s name on it. Where God is truly moving amongst His people He is inspiring them to take His love to others for a Kingdom harvest - there's an excitement to share outside of the walls of our gatherings.

Just in the area where I live there are multitudes of churches and small groups who gather regularly for prayer – asking God to change their hearts and draw them closer to Him. Asking Him to guide them in lifting His name that all men would be drawn to Him – and then they are ready to submit to what He chooses as His way of doing so.

Even though these groups aren’t unified under one roof, they are all seeking the same thing. So who can claim the ‘move’ of God as He works amongst us when He, Himself, has inspired each body to for pray for these things?

Godly Grandmas are sitting in their prayers closets, praying for God to have His way with the church; they’re shut-ins and can’t get to the local church. Are they excluded from the presence and power of God that others claim to house? And what about the new believer who is desperately seeking God but hasn’t found that exclusive gathering? Is she excluded?

So I plead with the Body to throw away exclusiveness! Know that God has inspired His Body all over the world to pray for the same things that you are praying for, and to live holy lives of honor before Him. This is His universal call to the church and it’s a point of unity, not division and exclusivity.

Blessed be His name!

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