Friday, June 20, 2014

Pull Up the Anchor and Move Forward!

Pull up the Anchor and Move Forward!

Sometimes we rehash and rehash and rehash - instead of throwing it in the trash! Nobody's perfect - and we can't 'fix' other people, but we can forgive them and move forward!

Someone might say "but you don't know what happened to me!" And I would reply "and you don't know what happened to me -or her, or him, or them...." But we all know what happened to Jesus - and He forgave completely through the greatest sacrifice ever made!

But that sacrifice wasn't made for your forgiveness only - it was made so that you could be enabled to completely forgive (and love) others and live life to the fullest! Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and that more abundantly (John 10:10)."

Live life to the fullest in Him - be and do all that He has created you for - to the end that He would be glorified. Clip the anchor that's holding you back - whatever happened to you - and walk forward.

Enjoy life!

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