Saturday, April 12, 2014

Your Words - An Amazing Treasure!

God has always desired to use man to bring His will and purposes into the earth – especially through the words we speak. Amos said that God does nothing in the earth before He enables the prophets to either act or speak it out (Amos 3:7 paraphrased). Until Jesus Christ returns to this earth we are the vehicle through which He operates here – He has gifted and enabled us to be His mouth, hands, feet and presence in this world.

When our hearts are submitted to God we have the ability to bring about good things through our speech (Matt. 12). “Good” in this case means beneficial, honoring to God and used for His purposes. In fact, if our hearts are submitted to God they are a treasure trove of good words waiting to be spoken at His prompting.

A heart submitted to God should be bursting with Living Words intended to benefit others. Those words have the power to bring about His purposes, bless the socks off of other people and stir angelic hosts into action (Psalm 103:20). This isn’t talking about making a list of name it/claim items you’d like to have in your garage or on your ring finger – it’s talking about God’s words being spoken through us to lay down a road for His entrance into the earth. In fact, that road is continuously being built up and will be entirely complete at the time of His return – and your words are helping to lay the pavement.

The reason for this is simple yet profound; it’s what the Bible is about. God has chosen to manifest Himself on this earth through people. Whether you speak a word of encouragement, exhortation, prophecy, or sing a song – if your heart is stayed on Him, He will use your mouth to bring about good things into the atmosphere around you.

You are the carrier of God’s benefits for this world. You are the builder of the road which brings His entrance. Keep your heart stayed on Him and He will form Living Words in you - a treasure trove to be opened and spoken in His perfect timing.

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