A few days before Jesus death he dined at the
house of his friends: Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Dinner done and
conversation flowing, Mary poured a jar of expensive perfume on Jesus’
feet and wiped them with her hair, preparing
Him for his burial. Judas was irate – his eyes saw money being poured
out on the floor – and greed swelled up in him (Matt 26, Mrk 14, John
12). Jesus shushed him, defending Mary’s actions. Perhaps this left
Judas feeling humiliated, stirring his anger and greed to a new level.
Judas let the seeds of greed and irritation stew inside of him
overnight – providing fertile soil for the enemy to sprout a plan of
betrayal in his mind (John 13:2). With this mindset Judas attended the
Passover meal with the rest of the disciples and Jesus. He was present
at Jesus’ foot washing ceremony, watching as the Savior removed Judas
own sandals, tenderly washing and drying his feet. But Jesus humble
example of servanthood didn’t soften Judas’ heart or bring repentance.
As the meal began Jesus handed Judas a piece of bread - then satan
entered into Judas. “If you are intent on this,” Jesus said, looking
into Judas’ eyes, “Do it now. I Am ready.” Then Judas and satan left
the table and presented themselves to the Chief Priests for the formal
betrayal of Jesus Christ.
The one who Jesus broke bread with,
the one who participated in Jesus foot washing, the one who handled the
ministry’s finances – was the one who turned his face from Jesus for a
few small coins, and later, the one who kissed his cheek in the Garden
of Gethsemane. But note how Jesus wasn’t shaken. Note how He kept His
focus on God and what God had given Him to do. Note how He saw it
coming and gave every opportunity to the betrayer to turn from his
wickedness without condemning him.
If you have been betrayed
it’s time for you to move on. It’s time to carry on with God’s work and
put it behind you. It’s time to extend the forgiveness of God and put
away condemnation. And perhaps it’s time to consider that God may be
using the betrayal to move you forward in His purposes – taking a
painful situation and turning it for His good.
Forward in Christ!
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