Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dancing Queen or How NOT to Handle Conviction!

How NOT to Handle Conviction!

Herod and his brother’s wife, Herodias, had a thing goin’ on - they were having an affair. John the Baptist told them this was wrong – it was both adulterous and incestuous (because of their family bloodlines). So Herod threw John into prison, and Herodias did the only logical thing she could think of – she moved into the ‘castle’ with Herod, taking her teenage daughter with her!

While Herod was partying during his birthday celebration, his niece (Herodias’ daughter) danced for him. The Bible says this ‘pleased’ Herod. In fact he was so excited about this dance that he offered the girl, on oath, whatever she wanted. Taking her wicked mother’s advice, she asked for John the Baptist’s head on a platter. She didn’t want the rest of him…just his head. Since he’d called her out on her sin, she effectively bit his head off!

So what do we do when someone calls us out on our sin? The world’s logic is opposite of Kingdom logic – kingdom logic calls for repentance and forgiveness. Kingdom logic calls for self examination and retreat from vices that serve the flesh. Kingdom logic calls for serving others before ourselves, for putting our husbands and wives first, for protecting our children instead of using them as pawns.

God’s messengers will bring conviction to us – whether they be “John the Baptists” or “Balaam’s donkey.” But the message is born out of the heart of God, so that He can restore us to himself - so that the shed blood of Jesus would be utilized on our behalf and we could draw close to the Father.

Conviction and repentance are a gift from God - unwrap and open them today.

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