Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End of a Brutal Season!

We've waited a long time for spring - this has been a brutal winter. But all the while we were waiting something was going on under the snow - just below the surface of our vision. Something was coming to life and yawning from its wait under ground, even while we were beginning to feel discouraged and hopeless in the wait.

Then life manifested! The season we were waiting for suddenly proved its presence with the small green stems that were here this morning but hidden beneath the soil yesterday.

Friends, don't get impatient! Just as God made the seasons and is faithful to perpetuate them, He has a covenant with you and is faithful to bring His promises to fruition. Take heart as you look at the budding of spring and rejoice that you will see His promises fulfilled in their proper time. There is nothing in the universe that can stop the promise of God from being fulfilled once it has taken root in your heart: God said it and it's so!

Keep preparing yourself for the fulfillment of His promises - this shows faith in what He has said to you. As long as the earth endures there will be seed, time and harvest (Gen 8:22). In the 'time' portion of the process, thank God for the upcoming harvest!

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