Monday, February 24, 2014

Prayer: Where the Battle Rages!

“Thank you for praying. Because of your prayers it was as though God raised us from the dead, because we faced certain death.”

This is Paul’s message of great gratitude to the Corinthians after his life was spared when spreading the Gospel in Asia. Paul knew, without a doubt, that the prayers of the saints were what spared his life. Their prayers were the avenue through which God extended protection and deliverance, which Paul calls a ‘gift’ in 2 Corinthians 1:11.

Daniel prayed for understanding in Daniel 10. While the angel Gabriel set out to deliver that understanding, the enemy’s prince battled with Gabriel to such a degree that the angel Michael had to be sent to assist him. The high-ranking demon who detained them was determined to keep revelation from reaching Daniel-but Daniel’s prayers prevailed through the angels.

Our prayers are of utmost importance in this Christian life, and a commitment to pray should not be taken lightly. This commitment is equal to making an appointment with Jesus himself, who intercedes on our behalf and opens the door to heaven’s participation (Heb 7:25). In fact, one of the elements of prayer is to ‘bind oneself ‘ to the Lord in continual supplication, worship and agreement with Him. This type of determination to press through struggles and remain constant in prayer opens a road to bring God’s will and empowerment into our circumstances.

As a pray-er, what ‘gift’ will you bring today? Through the prayers of others Paul received protection and deliverance. Through Daniel’s own prayers he received understanding. Mostly likely, through someone else's prayers you received the gift of salvation.

If you are a pray-er, you are a giver!

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