Sunday, October 13, 2013

The forgiveness sham! (10/13/13)

The forgiveness sham!

If you've had a parting of ways with another Christian and you think God will never again use that person for His kingdom work, more than likely-you're wrong!

People make mistakes, so do we. But those who continue loving and seeking Him continue to grow and go through the transformation process. Perhaps that person you disagreed with so many years ago is not the same person today that you perceive him to be. Perhaps God has dealt with that person's sin, and he or she has responded to Him, just as God is dealing with your sins.

Wouldn't it be a travesty (mockery or sham) if God forgave the way we sometimes forgive? If He held a grudge in his heart and gave us the cold shoulder the way we do with others?

I am praying for 'chance' meetings for all who see this post. That you will 'accidentally' meet up with those that you have parted from and God will give you no choice but to forgive and be forgiven. Let the Body heal and be whole again!

Be gentle and forbearing with one another and, if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven you, so must you also [forgive]. Col 3:13 AMP
Photo: The forgiveness sham!

If you've had a parting of ways with another Christian and you think God will never again use that person for His kingdom work, more than likely-you're wrong!

People make mistakes, so do we.  But those who continue loving and seeking Him continue to grow and go through the transformation process.  Perhaps that person you disagreed with so many years ago is not the same person today that you perceive him to be.  Perhaps God has dealt with that person's sin, and he or she has responded to Him, just as God is dealing with your sins.

Wouldn't it be a travesty (mockery or sham) if God forgave the way we sometimes forgive?  If He held a grudge in his heart and gave us the cold shoulder the way we do with others?

I am praying for 'chance' meetings for all who see this post.  That you will 'accidentally' meet up with those that you have parted from and God will give you no choice but to forgive and be forgiven.  Let the Body heal and be whole again!

Be gentle and forbearing with one another and, if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven you, so must you also [forgive]. Col 3:13 AMP

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