Friday, October 11, 2013

Is it FAITH? Or the SOUL? (10/11/13)

Is it FAITH or is it the SOUL?

Would you be able to take your present doctrine and put it into any period of history and have it be believable and effective to the Lord's work? His Truth stands the test of time-it's not wrapped around a culture but creates His culture when released!

There are doctrines espoused today which would absolutely flop in the time period of the great persecutions. Jesus never told the people of His time that they wouldn't be persecuted by the Romans or the religious leaders if they had enough faith. On the contrary, He told them persecutions would come and through faith in Him we overcome!

If we alter doctrine to fit our culture, then we have exchanged faith for the power of the soul. When our desires align with our culture instead of God, we can dangerously we use the power of the human soul, in the name of faith, to bring about those desires. This is a disturbing concept-but I challenge you to search and test your heart and soul concerning it!

Psalm 143:8 Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.
Photo: Is it FAITH or is it the SOUL?

Would you be able to take your present doctrine and put it into any period of history and have it be believable and effective to the Lord's work?  His Truth stands the test of time-it's not wrapped around a culture but creates His culture when released!

There are doctrines espoused today which would absolutely flop in the time period of the great persecutions.  Jesus never told the people of His time that they wouldn't be persecuted by the Romans or the religious leaders if they had enough faith. On the contrary, He told them persecutions would come and through faith in Him we overcome!

If we alter doctrine to fit our culture, then we have exchanged faith for the power of the soul.  When our desires align with our culture instead of God, we can dangerously we use the power of the human soul, in the name of faith, to bring about those desires.  This is a disturbing concept-but I challenge you to search and test your heart and soul concerning it!

Psalm 143:8  Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.

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