Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is it humility or disobedience? (10/23/13)

Is it humility or disobedience?

"Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth (Num 12:3).

Moses humility was displayed in his willingness to give God the reigns of his life-to put the person of 'self' under His Lordship. It was in recognizing that God is the source of power and He gets all the glory for what we do under His empowerment!

False humility shies away from walking forward in the work of God or tries to accomplish it under the power of self. There is no humility in saying "I can't" if the Lord says "do this"....that is actually disobedience and a form self exaltation!

Humility repents and moves past sins...believing that His sacrifice is sufficient! False humility is inspired by the enemy-it will hang on to repented sin and dwell on it-in essence, striving to diminish the Sacrifice which paid for our sins.

When we are humble we understand the we can boldly carry out the work of God because it is His will, accomplished through His power, for His glory!

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