Sunday, October 20, 2013

How to be a 'nothing' (10/20/13)

How to be a 'nothing'

If you are desiring more of God, perhaps the best way to make that happen is to learn to love. God is love: more love, more God!

Here are some simple formulas from 1Co 13 relating to love:
1. Gift of prophecy minus love = nothing!
2. Mountain moving faith minus love = nothing!
3. Understanding and knowledge minus love = nothing!
4. Benevolence minus love = nothing!

What are the signs that love is present? Patience, kindness, bearing up under all things, believing the best in others, hope, and endurance. Love grieves over separation from God and is eager for restoration in others and self. Let love be your motive! Let love reign!

1Jn 3:18 Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity).
Photo: How to be a 'nothing'

If you are desiring more of God, perhaps the best way to make that happen is to learn to love.  God is love: more love, more God!

Here are some simple formulas from 1Co 13 relating to love:
1.  Gift of prophecy minus love = nothing!
2.  Mountain moving faith minus love = nothing!
3.  Understanding and knowledge minus love = nothing! 
4.  Benevolence minus love = nothing!

What are the signs that love is present? Patience, kindness, bearing up under all things, believing the best in others, hope, and endurance.  Love grieves over separation from God and is eager for restoration in others and self.  Let love be your motive! Let love reign!

1Jn 3:18  Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity).

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