Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Uncorking the Grace Bottle" (July 11, 2013)

Take the cork off of the bottle of grace!

Let's take a new view of grace: it's not only the favor of God, or the mercy of God for our mistakes, nor does it stop at the amazing redemption purchased by Jesus Christ! Grace is constantly extended to and through us by connection with other members of the body because of the gifts that God has put in us. Additionally, when God's grace is extended to us through other members of the body in the form of His giftings, we advance in the sanctification process and others participate in our sanctification.

Here is a true to life example! Sister Susie is struggling with seeing everything in a negative light-she can't see where God is working, only where the enemy is working, and that is being highlighted in her thought life. She gets a brother in the Lord to pray for her and that brother, having the gift of discernment, sees the root of the negative attitude. She understands and has hope after he prays, then the brother directs her to a study where she can be renewed in her heart and mind to have the thoughts of God! The Body has participated in her sanctification through the grace given to each one of them.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12 of the "gifts of the spirit"and the word used for "gifts" is a form of the word "grace." Paul recognized that God's apostolic gifting in him was God's grace extended to the body. 1Co 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." Not only does God's grace get extended through the gift He's made of us, but that grace enables us to labor diligently to use the gift for the advancement of His Kingdom.

We can stop up the grace of God by denying others the gift in us, by dragging our heels in the sanctification process, by walking in jealousy and envy, and by refraining from fellowship with the rest of the Body. The Body is amazingly connected and in need of every part at all times! Where one is gifted the other is in need of that gift.

Recognize the grace of God in your life and give Him glory! Labor by His grace, give to others through His gifts of grace, receive from others through His gifts of grace. For the benefit of His grace in and through us, to GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, none to us!

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