Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Greatest Weapon (July 25, 2013)

The Greatest Weapon!

The soldier of Christ must always be armed with the greatest weapon in His arsenal: LOVE! Without this equipment, the rest of the armor doesn't work properly, and in fact can become a weapon of the enemy!

I hear the word "love" tossed around and used in many unusual ways. Every culture could give a different definition of love, but God is the author of love and He Himself is the true definition: God Himself is love, so all that God does and is are representative of love.

Admittedly, I see that I would not have done the same things that God did in every situation in the Bible-that's because I have not matured in love. I can see how He is perfect and always has the perfect answer, but I sometimes see that "after-the-fact." This weakness of humanity is what should cause us to see that His ways are perfect and His love is endless and His motive is restoration to Himself!

Here is the basic, bottom line definition of love: thoughts, words and deeds which have as their motive restoration to God! This is what Jesus exemplified-perfect love and perfect restoration. In this definition we have to see that God does what the One loving deems perfect and not necessarily what the one being loved desires. Parents get daily glimpses of this as we raise our children.

If love is defined by motive, then I know I have much to understand and much sanctification to undergo before I am perfected in love. It pains me to think of my motives....they are not always restoration to God and they can often be very selfish. Thank God - He knows every motive and constantly pulls us back to His love through grace.

Keep pressing on, keep giving grace, keep taking your thoughts and desires to Him for purification and sanctification! Use the greatest weapon in your arsenal-love!

1Co 13:13 So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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