Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nuggets of wisdom for the wounded heart.... (July 24, 2013)

Nugget 1    "Groundhogs Day Remedy"
If you see the same thing happening over and over in your life, it's time to evaluate yourself! Take your self before the Lord and ask for understanding and revelation and cleansing. Get empowered by Him to do the part you can do to get out of "Groundhogs Day." This may require repentance, renewing of the mind or apologizing to someone.....let God lead you! You may find that new doors are suddenly opened and you feel free and more joyful!
Nugget 2   Insecurity and inferiority are conditions of the heart....they cannot be solved by having more of anything (more admirers, more money, more beauty). These issues of the heart will follow you wherever you go unless they are laid at the cross. Gain relationship with the Maker, get understanding-He will bring the remainder of His plan to pass in your life. Long more for Him than for anything or anyone else and see what He does. He brings truth and freedom!
Nugget 3   Life is often a matter of perspective!  Start looking at life as though He is "able", not that you are "unable."  

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