Saturday, February 6, 2016

I'm drained...and I call that VICTORY!!!

God, HELP! I Need Your Chutzpah!!!

You can celebrate the day when you wake up and realize that, if you're going to do this thing, if you're going to accomplish the dream He's put inside of you, you need a lot more gumption, energy, audacity, fortitude and chutzpah!

It's the moment you realize that life and circumstances are finally to the point where you can and should do it, but your body and mind are saying to just think and dream about it instead of doing it! Maybe it's fear, maybe it's laziness, maybe it's tiredness.....or perhaps it's ______________ (you fill in the blank).

Today is that day; I'm at the end of my physical, mental and emotional self-motivation in this thing! I choose to see this as being in a good place because I could never accomplish it on my own, and I shouldn't. It's a God thing - it's His dream in my mind and spirit, and it has to be accomplished through God's power, resources and boldness!

When I am weak and finally come to the end of my ideas, plans and energy, He steps in with His strength and says "My grace is sufficient: when you are willing to admit that you are weak, and lay aside your man-made plans, then I can be powerful in your life for My glory and purposes!!!"
I call that VICTORY!!!

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