Did you know that you can train your emotions?
2 Corinthians 2:4 tells us to have the 'most holy emotions.' If the Word of God tells us to do something it's not only possible, it's a command that will advance kingdom work, affect others for Christ and intensify our connection to God.
We often have it backward: our un-sanctified emotions lead us, we emotionally crash, then we run to the Holy Spirit for help. If we would run to the Holy Spirit before we allow our emotions to overwhelm us, He would calm us, teach us and lead us into the righteous use of our emotions.
Feeling a certain way about something doesn't make that feeling right and holy! That feeling may be real and justified to us, but at times unhealed hurts come to the surface, twisting our perception and making us emotionally vulnerable. And sometimes our feelings may not be wrong; it's how we act on them that makes situations worse and leads us into sin. Re-acting in the way that others act towards us is a means of allowing the enemy to lead us when we should be following the Holy Spirit.
Jesus used emotions as a means of furthering kingdom work: He felt compassion for the downtrodden (Matt. 9:36), He prayerfully cried over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41), and He was angry over the misuse of God's house (John 12:15). In each of these instances Jesus' emotions were a tool which He had control of; He righteously used His emotions instead of letting them use Him! We must do the same, because even our gifts can be driven by unholy emotions, causing us to misappropriate God's benefits and material goods.
Let the Spirit of God guide you in the use of your emotions. Let Him teach and train you in the way you should feel; don't use the excuse that you have a 'hot temper,' or you are a 'sap.' You are a child of God who displays His love and walks in His purposes.
Stay in the Word and train your mind, will and emotions to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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