Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Book of Revelation: WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?

Is it really necessary that we have an understanding of the Book of Revelation?
For some people it seems like an insurmountable heap of prophecy and symbols which makes one dizzy! But let us consider a few points before coming to a conclusion as to how important it is for us to understand this Book:

1. Daniel 11 says that those who have understanding of the events and circumstances in the end times, at the rise of the anti-christ, will be able to keep others informed. Regardless of where each of us stands on the rapture question, it’s difficult to tie in Biblical end time prophecies with current events if we have no idea what the Bible says on this topic. An understanding of these events is an important witnessing tool as we begin to see more and more Biblical prophecies come to pass. The unsaved have questions: will we be able to answer them?

Daniel 11 also contains the verse which says “the people who know their God will do exploits” (Dan. 11:32). This passage is often quoted, but not generally in the context of end times. However, the true context of this verse relays the idea that those who have an understanding of what God is doing in those times will be able to minister for Him through exploits. 

2. It’s very evident that God is into symbolism and prophecy and we should be, also, if we want to understand and accept the entire nature and character of God. Signs, wonders, visions and prophetic symbols are consistently spoken of as evidence that God is with us – from creation to the last few words in Revelation - and His character has not changed since the Bible was written. This is not to say that we should focus on these things, but God consistently uses them and speaks of them so we must not set them aside as things of the past – especially because the future (ie: Book of Revelation) is full of the same. What might we be missing because we lack the understanding of God’s symbolic acts at this point in time?

3. The Book of Revelation is part of the Bible – it’s the Word of God, the Living Word which brings life to us. Would we consider setting aside the book of Isaiah, John, or Acts….it’s unlikely that we would! 

When we were first saved it may have taken a little time and effort to understand what the Bible says (and we will always be learning), but the Holy Spirit illuminated the Word and taught us then, and He will do it now (1 Cor 2:14-15, Jn 14:26, 1 Jn 2:27). 

Pray, read, get some good study materials, cross reference scripture and don’t give up! In the end, it’s up to each of us to get an understanding – our lives and the lives of others may depend on it.

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