Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spit & Dirt: One Way to Victory!

At least 4 blind men were given sight by Jesus, and each of them was healed in a different manner:
- Jesus spoke to one (Mark 10:46) and healing came
- One was delivered of a demon (Matt. 12)
- One had his eyes touched by Jesus (Matt 9:27)
- Jesus rubbed his own spit (mixed with dirt) on the lids of one (John 9:1-12) and his eyes were opened.

We see this same ‘variety’ of ministry in the healing of lepers, and in the way Jesus approached the needs of people in general: He didn’t have an established pattern of ministering which He applied to every circumstance. When Jesus raised the widow’s son, He touched the coffin and said “Arise!” (Luke 17), however, when Paul resurrected Eutychus he fell on him but spoke no words.

An important lesson to learn from these examples is that God knows what’s needed in each circumstance - we need only ask Him. Perhaps one of the reasons we don't see the things of the Bible come to pass in our lives is because we develop patterns of praying and ministering which we apply to each person and concern across the board. This is, in effect, circumventing God and applying religious methods instead. But God knows each of our hearts: He knows the reason behind each sickness, sin or spiritual attack, and He desires that we seek Him for understanding and wisdom in every situation.

Battles of the Old Testament are excellent examples of this concept. There is no pattern in the way these many battles were fought, but victory came in each instance where God's wisdom was sought. Gideon set out with 22,000 men to overtake the Midianites, but under God’s direction he and 300 men conquered them using trumpets, clay pots and torches. This brings greater understanding of the oft quoted Scripture “the battle belongs to the Lord” (2 Chron 20:15).

Jesus did only what He saw the Father do (John 5:19), and He said only what He heard the Father say (John 12:49), resulting in a different means of healing, deliverance, or act of compassion for each person in need. His source was the Father, and so is ours; we must get our instruction, understanding of each situation, and overall wisdom from Him! 

Whether we are fighting for our lives, under the attack of the enemy or praying for loved ones, God has the answer on how to approach the battle. He may give us direction on things we need to do to clear the way for victory, or He may tell us how to pray specifically, but we must ask Him instead of falling into established patterns, even if they have brought victory in the past. The battles, healings and deliverances of the Bible are written down as examples for us to know how God may move, but it’s for Him to give the specific plan in each circumstance!

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