Friday, May 29, 2015

Are You Resisting the Promises of God?

When God sent the Israelites to scope out the land of Canaan, His intention was for them to get a glimpse of the goodness He was leading them into, giving them inspiration to push forward and take the land (Num. 13). But when they saw that the inhabitants were giants, they turned tail and ran back to the desert. In their eyes, taking the land was impossible - what had God gotten them into? Perhaps they should have stayed in Egypt where melons and leeks were plentiful - even though they were enslaved and beaten down.

When we aren't willing to take a step of faith, to trust God and lean into Him, the comfort of the 'status quo' suddenly looks appealing. But at this point we can become stuck between 2 worlds: the world that God is calling us into and the world of our comfort zone.

To step into God's promises there has to be a letting go of the fear of the unknown, a willingness to free fall into the plan of God, and a leaving behind of the security that comes with familiarity. The very thing the Israelites feared is the thing that God intended to use to fulfill His promise to them.

In the minds of the Israelites, the battle was against people and circumstances, but in reality, the battle was inside of them: would they trust God or be paralyzed by the fear of the unknown?

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