Sunday, April 19, 2015

Take The First Step!

Sometimes the first step is the hardest…but things will never change without taking that step. You can pray and plan and decree and confess and dream all you want, but sooner or later you have to put boots to the ground!

Take examples from the Word of God and be empowered to step out of the place you’re in and step into the next season of your life in Christ:

-The Israelites had to step out of Egypt before they stepped into the Promised Land (Exodus 13). Miracles, signs and wonders followed their first step and God was continually faithful to protect and care for them.

-Peter had to step out of the boat before he stepped onto the water (Matt 14). He may have slipped in faith a bit once he doubted, but Jesus caught him. Jesus didn't correct him for stepping out, he corrected him for doubting.

-The woman with the issue of blood had to step out of the protocol of the time period and into the street, where she touched the hem of Jesus garment and was healed (Luke 8). She’d spent most of her adult life sick, but one step toward Jesus changed her future - the flow of blood stopped and health was restored.

-Jesus had to step out of heaven to fulfill the will of God in bringing sinners to salvation (John 6:38). One humble step by Jesus changed the eternal destiny of all who will believe on Him!

Don’t be satisfied in the boat while you dream of walking on water, and don’t stay in Egypt while the Promised Land is waiting! 

What’s holding you back?

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