Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stop Adding Fuel to the Fire!

Some things are worth perpetuating! We add fuel to a campfire to keep it going for warmth and pleasure, and continued fuel to the fire of the Word and Holy Spirit increases the temperature of our walk with God. But adding fuel to an ungodly fire is synonymous with participating in the work of the enemy.

When we give input into things that don't glorify God, or keep one foot in the door of an ungodly activity or situation, we are encouraging and participating in the work of the enemy. If there's something inside of us that dwells on these things and even occasionally puts a log on their unholy fire, we've become divided in our alliances, trying to serve both God and the enemy.

Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, served up unholy fire before God in Leviticus 1 and they were destroyed because of it. God had indicated the type of fire they were to offer as priests who were to be holy unto him. He had specifically ordained the fuel source for this fire and given them direction on how they were to offer it, but they chose to go the way of unholiness and suffered the consequences. I'm not saying that we are going to die physically for this type of activity, but there is a spiritual lesson in these verses. God has ordained the way we are to use our mouths and the blessings He's given us, and continually adding fuel to an ungodly fire will have its consequences - we will reap what is sown.

Put a stop to words and actions and participation in things that are not God inspired. Refuse to keep the fire of gossip and condemnation and judgment going - put the water of the word on it - extinguish the fire.

This may require a solid stand before people with whom you've previously allied. It may require that you look into their eyes and say "I love you, but I cannot participate in this any longer. I have repented before God for this activity and cannot go back into it." Then shut the door and throw away the key, never to return to that path again! Move forward and keep away from the 'bunny trails' that have been set as traps by the enemy. Refuse to take the bait if it's offered up to you: don't let it draw you away from God and weaken His power in your life.

We are not those who offer unholy fire, and add fuel to the fires of the enemy, we are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that we may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called us of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Pet 2:9 paraphrased).

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