Saturday, January 10, 2015

Get Back to Reality: the Unseen Spiritual Realm!

Get Back to Reality: the Unseen Spiritual Realm!

The enemy considered himself to be victorious: Jesus was humiliated, laid bare, beaten, and disgraced! Based on the physical evidence presented to the world, satan had done it: he’d removed Jesus’ physical presence from the earth, stamped out His influence, and re-established religious status-quo!

But the Bible shows us a different perspective of this event, a spiritual perspective which is very different than what the physical ‘evidence’ reveals. Col. 2:15 says that Jesus made a show of the enemy, spoiling the principalities and powers which war against us. The word ‘spoiled’ means "to remove one’s robes or unclothe them" (Strong’s #554 & 1562). While Jesus hung on the cross, physically stripped bare, He was stripping the power of the enemy and making a spiritual spectacle of him for all of eternity!

As the enemy worked through the physical and natural realm to discourage, scatter and defeat Jesus and His followers, God’s plans were being carried out in the spiritual realm. Things were not what they appeared at that time, and the natural realm wasn’t revealing the actual events that were taking place spiritually. But when Sunday came, the Truth of God was manifested in the natural realm as Jesus rose up from the grave. The time had come for both the spiritual and natural to line up and agree – and it came about through God’s perfect plan and timing. Victory physically manifested in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So don’t be discouraged if you are praying, standing and trusting God but have yet to see the result manifest in your life. Jesus first made a spectacle of death and destruction in the spiritual realm, then it manifested in the physical and seen world. And just as the enemy brought about the false appearance of an evil victory while Jesus hung on the cross, you may be seeing things that look like you’re defeated; but the way things look is not necessarily reality or the ‘final answer.’ The enemy’s plan will backfire on him and God’s plan will be revealed in your life as you seek God, follow His leading and wait for your Sunday to come!

“God disarmed the principalities and powers that were raging against us. He removed their robes of power and defeated them, making a bold, visible and public display and example of them. He triumphed through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, and they no longer have power over us “(Col 2:15 AMP Paraphrased). "So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Cor. 4:14 HCSB).

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