Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Perspective is defined as personal outlook, point of view, take on a situation, or interpretation of something. (Dictionary.com)

Our perspective on things is what sets our attitude. If we believe something, our perspective flows out of that belief and our responses follow it. But personal perspective is not necessarily Truth nor is it necessary valid – even though an individual will generally see his or her perspective as an absolutely correct, as though there could be no possible way of viewing something differently (Isaiah 6:9).

Sometimes we allow our past experiences, self-protectiveness, emotions or desire to skew our perspective, and we veer off of Biblical thinking and reasoning. Being skewed towards one side of an argument or situation means that we focus on one piece of it that seems the most important to us – but God is able to reveal Truth and get us re-focused on His divine and all encompassing view of circumstances and events.

Isaiah 11 tells us that Jesus’ perspective was God driven – and the Holy Spirit inspired His thought life as He lived and walked in the natural realm. Jesus wasn’t governed by what He saw or heard, by His past experiences, or fear of death, and neither should we be - God calls this ‘unrighteous’ decision making. (Isaiah 11:2-3)

There are a multitude of atrocities and violent acts going on around the world at this time. We must be people whose perspective is inspired by the Holy Spirit - not by the world’s actions and reactions or our past experiences - if we are to stay focused on God and allow Him to inspire our prayers and works.

Today, I pray for each of us to have supernatural perspective - and the resulting prayers and actions that follow it. May God help us not to add fuel to a hellish fire, but to burn bright with the love and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit!

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