Friday, April 18, 2014

Unclaimed Property - Hidden FOR You!

We received an official government letter in the mail this week telling us we have unclaimed funds which could be retrieved by filling out the enclosed paperwork. How did that happen? We haven’t had a change of address for over 20 years and we’re not careless with money. But as it turns out, the business on the other end of the process hid some information from us about ten years ago, which kept the funds under their control.

This is exactly how the enemy of our soul’s works: he hides the goodness of God from us to keep us in the prison of fear, doubt, lack, ignorance, exhaustion and other hell inspired miseries. Although we know this life has trials and difficulties, the plan of the enemy is to keep us from seeing that God is bigger and He has enfolded His arms of wisdom, provision and mercy around us to hold and keep us through those trials and difficulties.

God has given us a hope and a future, and it’s hidden in Him. The world may say “What you don’t know won’t hurt,” but where life in Christ is concerned, this is a lie from the pit of hell. God has not hidden these secret things from us, He’s hidden them FOR us, and they are found in relationship with Jesus Christ. IN HIM we live and move and have our being. IN HIM is value and purpose. IN HIM all has been retrieved and restored, and we have the receipt to prove it: His love letter to us, the Word of God.

What has God so unselfishly gifted you that has not been claimed? What did Jesus Christ suffer for that the enemy has hidden from you?

“But He was broken and slain for our rebellion, He was beaten and bruised for our guilt and sin; the chastisement and reproof [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was laid upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.” (Isaiah 53:5 paraphrased)

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