Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Healed and Cleansed - A Dip in the River!

Leprosy! It was the disease of doom – the dreaded, incurable skin infection so prominent in Biblical times. This was Namaan’s diagnosis - and it meant that his days of leading the Syrian army were done. But Namaan’s servant girl knew the God of Israel and she’d seen the miracles He’d done through Elisha the Prophet.

Now eager for his healing, Namaan headed to Israel and presented himself at the door of Elisha’s home. Elisha sent a messenger out telling Namaan "Go wash seven times in the Jordan and your flesh will be restored and you will be clean" (2Kings 5).

Namaan was furious at both the lack of attention he got and the idea of dipping himself into the Jordan River. “I thought he would at least lay his hands on me or do some sort of incantation, but he wants me to dip in that filthy Jordan River – no one who steps in that river will come out clean. I’ll go back to Damascus and dip in my own river!”

But Namaan didn’t understand what ‘clean’ meant. He didn’t understand that God not only wanted to heal his leprosy, but wash away his pride and indignation. However, his servants convinced him to do what Elisha had said – and he was restored to health and made whole in body and attitude!

Every healing in the Bible is different. God knows our uniqueness and what our bodies and souls need to be healed. We may be looking for a cure for the pain we’re suffering, but He’s looking to make us whole – sound and well in body, soul and spirit.

God is not practicing medicine, but administering life. Seek His prescription first – save yourself the time and heartache of doing it your own way, then be willing to follow his plan whether it’s a doctor’s visit, a day of resting in Him, or a dip in the Jordan River.

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