Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Feeling Insignificant?

There are things we do or say which seem small or insignificant at the time we do them - but we never know just how ‘big’ that small thing might be to someone else, or how important it might be to the Kingdom of God and His plans.

That was precisely the case with the woman who anointed Jesus with an expensive jar of perfumed oil. As dinner guests rested and conversed at the table she came to the house uninvited, sank down to her knees before Jesus, and poured the oil over His feet. Tears of thankfulness mingled with the oil as she kissed his feet and wiped them with her hair. While some were indignant and critical, Jesus knew she had been prompted by God to prepare Him for His burial, and He stated that this great and humble act would forever be remembered in the Gospels (Luke 7).

The Bible is filled with these kinds of acts and they probably seemed to be insignificant to God's purposes for the people who did them. Pharaoh’s daughter, when she pulled Moses’ basket out of the Nile, had no idea that God was using her to bring about His desired results. She was moved with Godly compassion and took the child into her arms, thereby advancing God’s purpose. And Ruth the Moabitess, when she followed her mother-in-law back to Judah, had no idea that she would become the great grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Jesus Christ!

The seemingly small acts of life, when prompted by the heart of God, are like building blocks for His Kingdom - and each one of us is here ‘for such a time as this’ as an instrument in God’s hands to advance His work. Carry out those ‘insignificant’ acts of God with humility,joy and thankfulness… one block at a time!

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