Saturday, March 22, 2014

Enter His Chamber!

When you step into Christ you step away from the world. The more you enter into Christ the farther you are from the ways and desires of the world. There’s no way to enter into the life of Christ and intimacy with Him, to go through the door to His chambers, while you are in the world. These are two different places spiritually and you cannot be in both places at one time.

We have to remove the obstacles that stand in our way to entering into fellowship with Jesus Christ. It’s a ‘must’ for us to press in and remove those obstacles, taking them out of the way in our physical life and our spiritual life, in our thought life and our emotions. Get alone with Him regularly: worship, praise, absorb His word and be washed from the filth of the world.

God’s word is life to us and it brings our bodies to life. Just as the Word became flesh in the form of Jesus Christ it becomes flesh on us as we are changed into His image through His word - we become more and more Christ-like. We transform to what our attentions are focused on - from the inside of us we are changed to accommodate our focus and surroundings. This is why Lot found himself living in Sodom – he kept his eyes on it continually and eventually he was pulled into its inner chambers.

Open the door to the chambers of the Holy One, to residing in His presence, by putting your focus on Him - He is already knocking and waiting for you. Life is about Christ and there is no true life outside of Him. If you want to really live and exist for a purpose, it has to be by living this life through His Spirit and under His wing. Let this be your dwelling place.

Pray for a holy zeal, a burning desire for God. Don’t seek Him for blessings, seek THEE blessing, the God of the universe, and let your life flow out of Him. Set your spiritual face like flint in the direction of His chambers and enter in.

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