Saturday, February 15, 2014

You Are The Gatekeeper

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Prov 23:7)

The word ‘think’ in this scripture has two connected meanings:
1. to estimate oneself 2. to be a gatekeeper.

To estimate is to measure value or potential. There are two choices in how we estimate ourselves: by human opinion or by God’s destiny for our lives. God’s estimation of you is your destination and calling. The most important thing you can do in obedience to God is to find out who He has created you to be, believe it and live it! Your own estimation could be wrong and it could take you in the wrong direction. Don’t allow someone else’s estimation of you to stop you from following God’s plan, either. Keep going in His direction for your life! Get understanding of who He has made you to be and how you are to serve Him and others. Agree with His estimation!

A gatekeeper guards a gate and decides who or what gets entry or access. You are the gatekeeper of your mind and heart. You decide what goes into it to form your thoughts and direct your life. You can close the gate and you can open the gate: the gatekeeper holds the key to his own development. How much of God is allowed in as opposed to worldly influence? You must open the gate of your mind to the things that help you fulfill God’s estimation of you – don’t allow things that are contrary to the heart of God!

As a man thinks in his he will become! Agree with God's estimation! Be a faithful gatekeeper!

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