Thursday, February 20, 2014

Praise: Breaking Hell's Chains!

The voice that speaks out praise to God is a mighty weapon of warfare. Psalm 8 tells us that even children and babes in the Lord can still (silence, stop, put away) the enemy by praising God! In fact, God has instructed us to do this in all circumstances.

Paul and Silas knew the importance of praising God in every circumstance (Acts 26). While they were bound in chains in a cold prison cell, in pain from being thrashed the day before, they praised God. They first lifted their voices in prayer then praised God not for what He might do or because they wanted something, but because He is God and He is worthy. They purposely put their minds on the goodness of God and their praise echoed throughout the entire cave-like prison. Every prisoner awoke in the midnight hour and heard those two ‘lunatics’ singing and making joyous noises to the Lord of Heaven.

Then the grips of hell suddenly broke loose and an earthquake shook open the doors of the prison! The prison guard was so frightened and amazed that he took Paul and Silas to his home, cleansed their wounds and became a believer in Jesus Christ!

At the darkest part of night, the time when there is no ray of light, the praise of God is ordained and called for from out of our hearts and mouths. When the voice of the enemy wants to silence our lives and our witness and bring defeat, God ordains praise for His great love and faithfulness.

Praise changes our atmosphere and brings the spotlight of heaven into our situation; it shakes the foundation of those things that imprison us; it draws attention to God and off of our concerns; it silences the voice of the enemy and it makes an announcement that we acknowledge our weakness in the light of the great God of the universe who is able to save and rescue us!

“Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful (Ps 33:1).

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