Friday, January 3, 2014

Redefining Jesus

At one critical point in my walk with the Lord I had to make some choices about doctrine. I knew the choices I made would either leave me in the 'status quo' or bring about some drastic changes in my life.

As I struggled emotionally and wrestled in prayer, I heard a whisper coming up from inside of me, saying "read My word to know My character, to understand who I am and who you are in Me. Do not read my word to prove your existing doctrine."

That was a defining moment in my walk with the Lord. He was telling me that understanding His word is knowing Him! Rightly dividing His word is crucial to knowing His character. The Bereans understood this. They listened intently to Paul's teaching then searched the scriptures for themselves (Acts 17:11). Because of this Luke said they were noble: honorable, filled with wisdom and doing right.

Defining Jesus with even a little 'out of sync' doctrine is, in effect, remaking His character. Remember that His word will not return to Him void, but the word that we misinterpret, that which is not the Living Word, will return to us void and ineffective (Isaiah 55:11). Further, true faith cannot be built on wrong interpretation of the Word: this simply brings "high expectation based on wrong information" (C. Capps). We must seek to know the true Jesus!

When we understand who Jesus is and have relationship with Him through the Living Word (the Bible), that Word becomes effective in our lives. We are able to conquer the things that have beset our families for generations - the true character of Christ comes alive in us and we become living testimonies of His love and purposes for all mankind!

If we know the true character of God we will know His voice when He calls-there will be no confusion! Ask Him to correct any misinterpretation of who He is and take you deeper into relationship with Him, the Living Word! He died to make you His own - to know Him and live for Him.

"I am the Good Shepherd; and I know and recognize My own, and My own know and recognize Me." John 10:14

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