Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WAKE UP and stop eating! (10/9/13)

In examining myself concerning the way I view food, this is the conclusion I have come to:

Unfortunately, food has become a recreation in our society. Living in the 'land of plenty' has drawn our attention away from the One who has given these benefits to us, and it has led us into gluttony. We console ourselves with food (which has the opposite effect in the long run), burn up our budget dining out, and spend thousands of dollars in fixing our bodies because we eat too much or eat the wrong foods. Fellowship while dining is wonderful....but fellowship without food is more than possible. This is a societal epidemic in general, but the Church doesn't approach this subject because it's a sore spot for accepted sin. I've seen that most of the church functions this way and it's accepted-don't dare call it 'sin'. Then complaints come, and crying out to God follows, because we have no $$ to pay our bills or give to the poor who are in need! We can point a finger at other sins and be perfectly self-righteous in doing so,because those are the sins that others don't accept as 'normal' to our Christian society. I say to myself and to the Church, WAKE UP, and examine self...take the plank out of your own eyes.
Jas 4:3 "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures."

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