Wednesday, August 14, 2013

An Unpopular Post! (8/14/13)

This is not going to be a popular post!  As a person who's born again, serving God and has worked with other people's finances for 25 years, here are some observations I've made and pondered on for quite a while now. 

If a family of 4 eats out 1x/week, at a very reasonable cost of $12/person, the tab would come to about $55 with tip. At 4x/month this comes to $220.00 That's enough to make a car payment, save for retirement or pay your mortgage off early.

While it's wonderful to enjoy a good life, we might want to question ourselves as to whether we are our own worst enemy in this area. Are we using our $$ in this way, then borrowing money or financing with a credit card for a car or other necessities of life?

Sometimes eating at the world's table is at the price of owning our own table...we may be sacrificing the Lord's blessing to fill our bellies with the world's food.

In essence, this post is not necessarily about the cost of eating out, but what we might be swallowing by the lifestyles we've bought into. I'm not suggesting we live as hermits and block out the world, but that we not be absorbed by the world's system and teeter on the brink of misappropriating the blessings of God by pouring our selves and our finances into the open throat of the plan of the the enemy of our souls, who is waiting to steal, kill and destroy.

Evaluate what God has called you to do, what He's given you and how He calls you to steward those blessings. No longer can we sit and wish we had this or could go there-it's time to discipline ourselves and put the flesh under....there is kingdom work to be done and people are in need of help. You may be the one that's called to help-will you be able to do so when He says "now?"

All for His glory!

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