Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Against You, and You only, have I sinned" (8/10/13)

"Against You and You only have I sinned."

The ultimate sin is denial of God, so it follows that sin in our lives, even as Christians, is forsaking God, however momentary it may be.

David came to this understanding after he abused his position as King by shirking his responsibility as commander of his army, committing adultery with Bathsheba, and forcing the head of his army (Joab) to position Bathsheba's husband for death in battle (2 Samuel 11).
David's prayer of repentance included the words "against You and You only have I sinned" (Psalm 51:4). What a strange thing to say after the serious indiscretions he committed and hurts he brought on others! But when David came to repentance he had the revelation that his actions would have followed his heart if his heart had been seeking God above all else. That was his ultimate sin-he distanced God and blocked out His voice-if he hadn't turned away from the face and voice of God, these sins would not have occurred. If the heart is right with God, right motives and actions will follow.

True love for God is the impetus for loving others. Let me be found with a heart after you!

To God be all the glory!

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