Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Get Your Foot Out Of The Door" (June 22,2013)


If you want to shut the door to the past then take the things out of the way that are keeping it open!

There are assignments and blessings in the "here and now" that are held up because we keep our minds and/or affections on the past. Many people have suffered abuse at the hands or mouths of others and some have been abusers. Either way, it's time to repent, receive forgiveness from God, forgive yourself and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Take the doorstops out of the way and let the door to the future be opened.

The grace of God is moving us forward into His plans and purposes. If we keep the past in the forefront we are living in a time period which has been laid to rest. God desires to use what He's put in us for this time period to help others advance their walk and give Him glory. Withholding ourselves from God in this way is synonymous with telling Him that His timing is poor and we'll decide when we're ready to use the gift He's put in us.

Php 3:13-16 "...but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also. Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that." AMP

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