Monday, July 11, 2016

Ask yourself ... "Is it I, Lord?"

 As Jesus reclined at the table with his disciples, partaking of the Last Supper, he revealed to them that one of them was going to betray Him. Someone in His group of closest friends and confidants was about to give him over to those who would degrade and torture Him, then kill him through a painful and public death.

Some of the disciples immediately went to self examination – asking the Lord to reveal the secrets in the depths of their hearts: “Is it I, Lord?” they asked, “Am I the one who could do such a dastardly and horrendous evil to my Lord and Savior?” (paraphrased Matt. 26:21-22).

In the past they might have started pointing fingers at one another, or insinuating who the guilty party may be. They might have drawn conclusions with their practical thinking skills, putting “two and two together” in an effort to support their suspicions. But now, in this solemn moment with their Savior, they sought His wisdom and direction before pointing a finger.

These powerful 4 words “Is it I, Lord?” reveal a sentiment and humility that God can work with. Instead of looking outwardly and finding fault with the world around them, a number of the disciples had come to understand a precious key to having the heart and mind of Christ: submitting the thoughts and ways of our hearts to Him for examination!

A sincere and trusting relationship with God requires that we allow Him to examine the depths of our hearts and minds in every situation before putting ‘guilt’ upon someone else. Godly humility tells us to take advantage of every opportunity to seek His wisdom and understanding and allow Him to show us the motives and devices through which we operate. These are opportunities in which the Holy Spirit can re-train and re-form our modes of processing and reacting, and cleanse us of the motives of self-defense and self-preservation. These are times when God can mightily move us forward in our sanctification process if we are willing to drop our mindsets before Him and allow Him to interject His thoughts and modes of operation.

Ask yourself “Is it I, Lord?”
Is my thinking not clear on this? Or is my heart wounded and ready to pounce on those who might be speaking Truth to me? Or perhaps I am ready to take care of something through my flesh when you have ordained a spiritual resolution to the problem!

Ask yourself “IS IT I, LORD?”
Perhaps some of it is you and I, and maybe our perceptions of things are a very small percentage of the difficulties we experience, but living through Christ requires that we be willing to remove our thoughts and desires and elevate His, giving way to the perfect will of God! 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there be a wicked way in me" (Ps. 139:23). Let me not jump to conclusions based on my experiences and mindsets, but break me free of 'self' and cause me to see and understand Your ways!